First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in a new topic for this blog. I’ve been without internet for almost three weeks now but am finally back online. With this site just getting started I’ve been trying to think of some topics to cover. Thank you to those who have commented on the topics thus far and I encourage those who read these to leave your thoughts. My topic for this entry is from one of my Bible study classes that I’ve been participating in over the last few weeks. The study is called “To Live is Christ” and is a Beth Moore study. Anyone who is familiar with Beth Moore will know how wonderful this study has been so far. It follows Paul on his journeys in the book of Acts. In my last class the teacher challenged us to come up with our story. Because of that challenge I decided to tell my story for the class and also share it here in this blog. I encourage you to share your story with all who read this site as well. Picture two cliffs roughly 20 miles across. On o...
What does living for and with Christ look like? None of us are perfect, none of us have the know all the answers. This is my journey, shared with you, to help each other to learn and grow in faith through all the trials of daily life. This is me, but how about you? Share your feelings and thoughts on your growing faith to help encourage others and create opportunities for each of us to share Christ in our own way.